12 days old {Wordless Wednesday}

Abby 12 days old

I can’t believe she’s 12 days old already!! I made this little hat for her. She’s so small that even the preemie hats are too big for her head and I didn’t want to keep the hat from the hospital on her all of the time!

And… because I couldn’t resist (and because I love the picture of my little snuggly boy)… here’s another of Noah passing out kisses =)

Noah kissing his Mama

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, you can go to any of the following:
A Daily Dose of Toni, 7 Clown Circus, Go Graham Go.

20 thoughts on “12 days old {Wordless Wednesday}”

  1. She’s so precious! I found you through Confessions from a Working Mom- CONGRATS on your new addition!

    My blog was recently made private due to creep-o comments but send me an email with your email and ill invite you if you’re interested!

  2. Dear God woman, I would have bet my youngest child that you wouldn’t be posting right now and there you are, supermother, superblogger. You’re amazing and she is precious in that little hat. Wish I could have made a pink hat…no luck, just blue…

    Lots of SITS love heading your way. Be back soon!

    Alex aka Ma, What’s For Dinner?
    .-= Alex aka Ma Whats For Dinner´s last blog ..When Irish Eyes Are Smiling =-.

  3. She’s beautiful! Wow, can’t believe she’s almost 2 weeks already. LOVE the hat! And OMG – how adorable is the picture of the 3 of you, would make a great canvas print in black and white! :o)
    .-= Kat´s last blog ..Clutter Schmutter… =-.

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