New Me {Foto Friday}

Foto Friday Button

Soooo….on Wednesday I showed you all a picture of the hair that I had chopped off and am donating to Locks of Love… since I don’t often post pictures of myself on here, many of you may not have been aware as to how long my hair was…

This is me on Mother’s Day… you can’t really see how long my hair is, since it’s a shot from the front and not the back. To give you and example though… my hair reached my bra strap… and I had gotten it caught in the car door many, many times when I wore it down… I think I even shut it in the door the day this picture was taken.

Now here is the “new” me… this picture was taken tonight from the camera on my laptop in a semi dark room, so theres a lot of noise in it, but you get the idea…

I love that it is now pretty much a wash and go style (well with a little product in it). I wanted something simple and easy to take care of and I have it! Day 4 with the new do and I still love it and haven’t shed a tear =)

Now it’s your turn… grab a button and link up your favorite photo of the week.

15 thoughts on “New Me {Foto Friday}”

    1. I have a love hair relationship with my hair – I love to grow it out, but then I hate to keep it that way! 😉 I’ve found that I’m most comfortable with it somewhere between chin and shoulder length.

    1. Thanks! I didn’t want all of that hair to go to waste, I didn’t know that you could just have anyone cut it and donate it until I looked it up. So glad that I did.

    1. Thanks! I’ve always looked at my hair as “If I cut it and don’t like it, then I can always grow it back” and every now and then I like the cut so much that I keep it for a while. 😉

  1. Love it!! I just got my hair trimmed, I haven’t had the nerve to chop it all off… But when I do, I’ll definitely donate it! Its been a couple of years since I’ve done that, but last time I sent a 12-inch braid!

  2. Very cute hairstyle!! Mine is about as long as yours was now. My sister is cutting it Thursday but I don’t want to lose length yet. I need to be able to pull it up while I work out.

  3. Hi! Came across your blog through the No-Go BlogHer hop.

    I think it’s great that you donated your hair. My nieces did that for a few years too.

    Nice to meet you! Stop by sometime!

    -Kimberly Dawn Rempel
    Family, Money and Stuff

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