Hello November

November is finally really here in the Midwest. It only took her almost half a month, but there’s no denying it now. It is cold, rainy and all around just cuddle up inside with a blanket weather. It’s not all that bad though… I actually like the colder weather… I just don’t like the cold rainy days. I’m hoping that we have a few nice days this week so that I can go out and plant some tulip bulbs before the ground freezes.

The kids got their flu vaccinations finally last week (Ray and I got ours in October)… Abby got the first of her 2 flu shots and Noah actually got the nasal mist. I had signed him up for the shot originally, but they offered the nasal mist when I was there. I jumped on it because it was one less crying kid to deal with then but not thinking that it was the live virus… he’s been sick so much lately and I was afraid that it would trigger more symptoms… oh well. It’s done now and hopefully we can rid this house of the sickies once and for all!

My niece was baptized yesterday and Abby and I drove downstate to be there for it… well and also because I was chosen to be her godmother. =) Ray and Noah stayed home – with the sickies – so  it was just the two of us… in the car… for a total of over 6 hours! She did really well – slept almost the whole way down and most of the way back home… though we did have a few little meltdowns on the way home. Abby and I had a great time and had fun seeing all of the family again, but it was a long, long day! She was awake for a while the night before and both she and Noah were up for good around 7am. The mass before the baptism started at 4:30, then the baptism and the family gathering afterwards… add the 3+ hour drive home, so we were not home until after midnight! I was wiped!! Thank goodness we laid low today and didn’t do much.

In other news… our bathroom redo (have I even mentioned that on here? Well, just so you know, we started remodeling the kids bathroom this past summer) is almost finished. All that is left to do is clean, clean and clean, caulk in front of the tub and then decorate it. I am so  happy that we can  finally use that bathroom again and get the kids (and all of their junk) out of ours. The “new” bathroom makes our master bath look like crap though. =( Good news… our master bath is the last room left upstairs to fix up and then the upstairs is done! yay!!

I will end this post now with a preview of posts to come (this week) – a review of the book The Club No One Wanted To Join-Madoff Victims In Their Own Words and a review of the Clic-It diaper bag, a stuffed pizza tutorial (finally!) and hopefully some Wordless Wednesday and Foto Friday fun too. I guess this week will be another busy posting week, as opposed to last weeks one post week. 😉

2 thoughts on “Hello November”

  1. Sounds like a great day with family – hopefully you’ve recouped from the trip!

    And awesome about the kids’ bathroom being done, can’t wait to see pictures!!!

    1. It took me a day, but I was better by Monday – didn’t get back in the car until Thursday though. =)

      I need to take pictures. We haven’t bought any new accessories yet – desperately want a new shower curtain – so I still have a little work to do in there.

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