Why make plans?

The plan this morning was to spend our “free time” portion of the day (the 2 – 3 hours after breakfast but before lunch and naps) going to the post office and then to the store to find Noah a suit that he could wear in my mom’s upcoming wedding. We had spent the past 2 days at home, so that was the plan… until Abby decided to change it.

We got up this morning and did our usual thing. No problems there. I had just finished giving the kids their shower andsent them to their room to get dressed. In the minute it took me to hang the towels up, Abby decided (on her short walk from the bathroom to the bedroom) to take a detour into the loft/playroom… and go potty… not the good kind… not that one way is better than the other, but this was bad… just bad.

So our plans changed. Instead of finding the perfect little man suit for Noah, I spent the rest of the morning cleaning carpets. They desperately needed to be cleaned again, but I had been hoping to do that on a day that 1) was warmer so that I could open the windows to speed the drying time and 2) Ray was home, so that he could keep the kids occupied while I cleaned. No such luck in either case today. *sigh*

I couldn’t help thinking about my love/hate relationship with carpets (and cleaning them) while I was working upstairs. I love seeing and smelling the difference with each row that passes, but am completely disgusted by the black, nasty water in the machine. I can’t help but think that even though I vacuum the carpets, we sit and play on that nastiness daily. Had I not run out of cleaner and had it not been nap time, I probably would have continued cleaning the carpets in the other rooms upstairs too. There’s something about seeing the dirty water that just makes you want to clean them all.

Noah got a little frustrated about the change in plans today. He knew that we were going shopping to buy him something, so he didn’t like that we weren’t going to the store. Then it bothered him that the carpet was wet because he wasn’t allowed to put his toys back where they belonged. I’ve been trying to teach him that his toys don’t belong in Mama and Daddy’s bedroom and today was the first day that he actually decided to listen to me and put them where they belong… only that I was the one that put his toys in our room. *sigh* Go figure that the one time he actually wants to follow the rules he can’t.

So after this mornings fiasco, I’ve decided that I will not make plans for this weekend. There are somethings that I would like to get done, but I won’t hold my breath… and I won’t be putting the carpet cleaner away just yet either… because you never know. 😉

8 thoughts on “Why make plans?”

  1. After marrying a farmer and having a child within the last two years, I’ve learned not to “plan” anything. Now, my schedule is completed in pencil with mere “suggested activities”. Lol! I am sorry that your day took a rough turn. Hope this are better now!

    1. I like the idea of penciled in “suggested activities”! I would have had to take an eraser to them again today though – both kids woke up sick. Maybe tomorrow will be better!

  2. Well sorry to hear your plans were changed by our little s… lol, you think you will be able to get his suit this weekend or do u want me to go get it. The big day is in 2 weeks and Noah is a main man in the wedding ;). Call me, I have a long list “to do’s” for today! Checking out the Kennel for Jessie, oh boy, our big problem that dog!
    Beautiful weather out today, spring is hopefully near, can’t wait and hope we have a nice day like this in 2 weeks!!!!!!
    Love you, give the kiddies a kiss from Omi ? you, hope to see you soon!

    1. I will get it. Wanted to go out today to buy it, but both of the kids woke up with a temp of 100.5 (I could tell Abby had it already when she woke at 3am). Will call you soon.

  3. I agree. No plans. Abby totally rebelled against your schedule, but clean carpets are nice. 🙂

    I get to visit Milwaukee next week for work. I’m going from 89 to 40. Wah!

    Hope the rest of your weekend is great!

    1. I agree clean carpets are very nice! Too bad they don’t stay that way 😉

      I’m glad that I went with a no plans attitude this weekend, because both kids woke up with fevers… just not a good weekend I guess.

      Can you believe that I live so close to Milwaukee, but have never been there? I do feel for you though for having to deal with our weather during your trip… really I do… *snicker snicker* =) We actually had snow flurries in the forecast yesterday – I wish some of your heat would make it’s way up here!

  4. Ughhh, sorry about your fiasco. You know, I’m the same way with seeing the dirty water, something about it fascinates me and makes me want to clean everything. I find it amazing every time I deep clean the carpets at my house too!

    You know, there’s a home made cleaning solution you can use, with liquid laundry soap, vinegar, bleach and baking soda! It actually keeps your carpets cleaner longer because all that soap isn’t sitting on the fibers! I have a recipe on my site somewhere, should be easy to search for if you are interested.

  5. Sorry, you actually commented on my maviefolle blog, so that you know who I am, I thought I’d leave you this message (I also left the one above, lol)

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