Hello again

It all started with a sore throat the Thursday before last. By Saturday, my sinuses were completely acting up and I had the chills… fantastic!!! I no longer have the chills {thankfully}, but it’s been well over a week and I still can’t go anywhere without tissues {or a roll of toilet paper… so much easier and there’s more of it!!} and there are several times a day when I swear I am going to cough out my lungs. Thankfully I am the only one who got  sick and I am happy to say that I think that I’m slowly getting better.

The downside to being sick all last week was that it was {and still is} beautiful outside and I didn’t have the energy to run and play with the kids. We did make it outside everyday though and I have to say that I love the weather right now!!! It is so hard to believe that it’s only March and not May!! We have had record highs for the past 5 days… we’ve even turned on the AC for a few hours… in March!! I’m not complaining though. I love that I can have the windows open everyday and that the old stale winter air is finally out of the house! This is my kind of weather and I wish it would stay this way all year long.

It wasn’t just all fun, games and tissues last week though. I had a custom order to fulfill too!! =) I had sold a custom Ava tote and it went to a little girl names Gracie.

Custom Ava tote - Gracie

The Ava tote will always have a special place in my heart! Not only do I love the fun fabric, but it was also one of the first Noby Designs totes that was made for someone other than my kids. I really hope that Gracie loves her new tote!!

Since I had the camera out, I took the time to take a few more product photos… I made this tote for Abby… can you believe that this is her first real Noby tote?!?! She’s had one of my early prototypes, but this one is sooooo much better! I have enough fabric left for 1 more, who will snag the last Fun Flowers tote?

Custom Noby Designs Fum Flowers tote

I also have some new products that I’ll be adding to the shop this week, I can’t wait to share them with you!!! That will have to wait until tomorrow though, because the kids just woke up from their nap and need to get out and play!!! =)

4 thoughts on “Hello again”

  1. Tiffany Jackson

    Hi!!! I miss you!! I am glad to hear you are feeling better but sad to hear you were so sick. I am also happy to hear you sold another “Ava” tote. Ava uses her still to this day. I think I may have to put in an order for a bigger tote!!!

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