Happy Summer!!

Yesterday was the first official day of the summer!!! Yay!!! Is it bad that I’m silently hoping that the we get the rain that was forecast for today? It’s almost noon though and the sky is starting to clear up, so I don’t think that it’s going to happen.

Our first day of summer was spent cleaning the carpets and then praying that the power comes on again… don’t be jealous of my fun!!! 😉 I had to laugh a little, because I had made a house to do list just the day before and in among other things like paint touch ups and patching the window sills {Abby went through a teething phase on them… eww!}, deep cleaning the carpets was one of the items listed too. I thought that it could still wait a few weeks, but Abby made sure that item needed to be checked off right away… I sure do love potty training!! haha!

Abby with flower

I had a lot of time to think while pulling the carpet cleaner over the floor and I realized that it made sense that the first items that I sewed for Noby Designs were totes… I love totes!! Not just totes though, bags in general. I have more than I care to admit in my closet upstairs… I have a hard time getting rid of bags, no matter how old they are. There’s just something about them that I love!

So, yesterday while the kids were napping, I was able to sneak downstairs to sew a little more and I started… a new tote of course!! I got the applique finished up and hope to be able to work on the rest of the tote while the kids are napping today. I’ve improved on a things and I can’t wait to show them to you!! I often wish that I could just devote a whole day to sewing… my mind is so full of ideas that I would like to make happen, but my time at the sewing machine is dictated by the kids… they come first, no matter what.

Sooo…. how was your first day of Summer? Did you spend it doing anything fun?

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