One Summer – Two Vacations

It’s official… summer vacation is now over and normalcy can now enter our house again… though  we had a great summer and made memories that I hope to never forget, I am looking forward to the routine of the school year… which is crazy, since last year was Noah’s first year of “school”… preschool that is. I’m hoping that this is the year that I finish just as organized as I started… we’ll see how that goes!!

This past summer was a little different for us… we ended up taking two vacations! For our first, we drove up to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula… I fell in love with the area and wanted to move there immediately! I know that I {still} haven’t posted the photos from that particular trip… I really must. It was so beautiful up there!

We ended our summer with our second vacation… it was originally supposed to be part work trip/ part vacation, but ended up being all vacation… and it was {almost} perfect!!! Our little family went to the most magical {though not the driest} place on earth… Walt Disney World!! Things got a little iffy in the days before our flight, thanks to a little hurricane {then tropical storm} Isaac. In the end, he did give us some rain while we were down in Orlando, but it wasn’t anything to keep us away from the parks!

Our family with Mickey Mouse

I swear that the matchy, matchyness of our outfits wasn’t planned! Not that I’m against matching clothes for families… but it’s just not for me. =)

Noah stroller napping

This is the only time that Noah napped while at the park… and it was on our first day there while at Epcot… let’s just say that we had one tired little boy by the end our our trip!!

Abby smiling on plane

Abby on the other hand would let us know when she was sleepy and then fall asleep within minutes of being laid down in the stroller… it was a little amazing and I think all that sleep is just one reason why her cheesy smile never left her face!! =)

We’ve been back for a few days now and we are already looking forward to the day that we go back. I won’t lie, it was tough going with two little ones who still {desperately} need to nap, and by the end of our stay I was more than ready and eager to get back to our own home and beds… away from the crowds and noise {I’m just a little bit of an introvert!}… but I miss it already… sigh… yes, I have been bitten by the Disney bug!

So…  that’s where we were last week… I won’t bore you with a ton of photo’s; but if you would like to see more, then let’s be friends on Facebook =)

How was your Labor Day weekend? Did you say good-bye to summer with a last hurrah?

2 thoughts on “One Summer – Two Vacations”

  1. Looks like you could get used to having two vacations a year. 🙂 My last visit to Orlando was when Hurricane Charlie hit. That was not sooo fun, but the Universal Studios Park was pretty empty the next day. No lines. Can’t beat that.

    1. I could so totally get used to having more than one vacation a year! I love to travel and wouldn’t mind winning the lottery to be able to do it all the time. 😉
      I do have to say that one of the benefits of Isaac was that the lines were pretty quick when we were there too, and I agree… you can’t beat that!

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