Where I’ve been

So I started this year with great intentions… take some more fun vacations, sew more, write more, craft something new every week, as well as try new recipes weekly…

It turns out though that the only thing that I’ve been keeping up with so far (and even there I have skipped a week or two) is the new recipes… everything else has been shoved off onto the back burner.

I must say though that while I may not have been cranking out a new project every week to write about and show of on the blog, I have been busy creating something new.. with some help from Ray. 😉


God willing, sometime this September, Abby will become a big sister and Noah an even bigger brother.  We’ve decided to hold off on telling them just yet.. we’ll wait a few more weeks and probably tell them once I start showing. Right now they just know that mommy’s tummy is causing her problems. 😉

This pregnancy feels so different from the one last year… and though there are similarities to both of my pregnancies with Noah and Abby, all of my symptoms are so much more pronounced this time.

I’d be lying if I were to tell you that the past few weeks haven’t been nerve wracking. I’ve been both excited and nervous about today’s appointment. It felt so good to see our newest little minion and a healthy heartbeat on the screen this morning. We’ve got a little over three weeks left in this first trimester and while I am looking forward to enjoying every minute of this journey, I will be happy when the first 12 weeks have passed and I can breath a little easier.

So that’s what’s been happening here =)

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