Tell it Tuesday – Milestones

  • So this weekend was a big weekend in our house. Noah now has a big boy bed to sleep in. How’s the transition been going? Well, bedtime is going well… he climbs right into bed and sits there while we read. He then lays down when it’s time to say our prayers (which I do in German… a nice little tradition I would like to uphold, as I still pray in German) and we say our good nights (he even gets out a “naaaht naaaht”… he’s trying!!). After a few minutes, he’s sound asleep. The problems arise a few hours later when he wakes up in his big bed all by himself. He will calm down when I go in there and climb back in bed, but as soon as I try to leave he freaks out. So we’ve (well I’ve) been putting him into his crib at that time and letting him sleep the rest of the night in there. So far it’s been working well that way. I’m hoping that soon he will be sleeping longer periods of time in his bed and less in his crib.
  • Nap times… we’ve only tried the bed once and he ended up falling asleep on the floor in front of the bedroom door. It was torture for him and for me, so until he starts sleeping through the night in his bed, I will not enforce a bed only nap time. He needs his rest and so do I so until further notice the crib will be used during the day.
  • We were both healthy enough to go to both Storytime and Tot Rocks this week!! Yay!! (I’m still not feeling 100%, but I am feeling much better)
  • I finally got my Psychology book, so I am busy trying to catch up on the reading for that class as I have a quiz this Thursday and an exam next week. I am slowly moving along in my Sociology class, but definitely not at the pace that I had planned for myself. I would like to get that class done in 8 weeks… I have 4 exams to take, so basically one every 2 weeks… I need to get moving!
  • Thanks to being back in school and thanks to being sick, my crafts are taking a back seat… meaning that my crafting resolutions are too. It pains me every time I look over and see the green bag containing all of the unfinished goodness, but school is the priority.
  • I’m contemplating switching from Early Childhood Education to getting an Associates in Digital Media and possibly a Webmaster certification and going from there. I would cut my schooling in half and possibly give me the chance to make some money while I’m taking care of the kiddos here at home. I haven’t finalized that decision, but it’s something I really need to think about this semester.
  • We still don’t have a name for our little girl. I have 8 1/2 weeks left (assuming I go the whole 40 weeks this time) and I’m starting to get nervous and freak out. That is a post in itself though, so look for it in the days to come!
  • Mama Michie’s Musings now has a Facebook Fan Page and I would love to see you all there! I still need to figure a few things out with it, but it’s up and running!
  • I also want to welcome all of my new followers! I believe that I’m following all of you back that had your sites listed in Google Friend Connect. If I happened to miss you though (and this goes even for my older followers), just leave me a comment and I’ll make sure to follow you too!

That’s it for today! My eyes are blurring after reading 30 pages in my Psych book. How has the week been treating you so far, has anything exciting happened?

8 thoughts on “Tell it Tuesday – Milestones”

  1. I became your fan and added you to Frosted Fingers’ favorite sites 🙂 Naptime out of the crib was hard for us, too. What school are you going to? I’m doing Early Childhood Education, too. 🙂 I’m sure you’ll find a beautiful name for your little girl.
    .-= Paula´s last blog ..Taste-Test Tuesday – SquidDogs =-.

  2. We didn’t figure names until about 3-4 weeks before our girls were born.

    It just sounds like Noah needs a little more time. Don’t worry he will stay for the whole night. The first two did great but I have to admit, Adela is still in the crib and I am nervous about switching her.

    If you do switch does that mean you might become a blog designer:)

    This week I have been feeling overwhelmed. The Facebook games are really sucking my blogging time.
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..My Little Spartan =-.

  3. My girl sleeps more during her nap time if she is in the living room with me… she has a couch where I just lay a blanket and she sleeps up to 2 hrs. if I put her in her crib for a nap she wakes up right away and starts crying…. at night she is very disciplined and starts saying “bye bye” around 7:45, She finally goes to bed at exactly 8 and sleeps great until 7 in the morning… it is so great that I am afraid of the transition to bed! You are doing an excellent job! I hope I learn through you and your experiences!

    Thanks for sharing (I am a fan of your page now!)

    .-= Paloma´s last blog ..Broccoli, grapes, brownies and sugar in the raw =-.

  4. Transitioning to a big “girl” bed was hard for us to. My little on loved her crib for some reason. She always felt so safe. When we got her toddler bed I made it into a princess bed, thinking that would work. I would always find her on the floor the next morning cuddled in a blanket. She said she was scared of falling out…LOL. Now I can’t get her out of it..LOL 🙂
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Celebrating a Blog-a-versary NYC Style !! =-.

  5. Transitioning to a big boy bed is a big deal. Glad it seems to be working out okay for you.

    Thanks for visiting me on my SITS day!

  6. Took FOREVER to find a girls name for my daughter Sydney. Naming children is stressful. It will come to you. Read every name you can find.

    I think Noah’s doing great. He is transitioning. It takes time. He’ll get it. 🙂

    My mom was in early childhood education. She taught four year olds and loved it. It’s very rewarding. If you have that gift definitely look into it. The kids need it. It makes a difference in their lives.

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