
How do you socialize?

Twitter… Facebook… NetworkedBlogs… MomBloggers Club… MomSpark… Twittermoms…   BlogFrog… there are so many ways out there in the interwebs that allow us to be social beyond just our blogs. It is said that social networking is a key factor to getting your name out there and getting known by people beyond your “inner circle”… but how […]

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Two Weeks…

Two weeks… that’s when I have my next appointment with my ob. Two weeks… that’s when I get to see and hear my little munchkin again. Two weeks… that’s when we will (hopefully) be finding out whether or not we need to turn our loft into a third bedroom. Two weeks… I can’t wait!! I

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Who needs sleep anyway?

For the past few months, Noah had been doing pretty well sleeping at night. He would go to bed around 7PM and sleep until around 4:30AM… snack and then fall back asleep until at least 6:30. We had even worked on getting him to take his 2 daytime naps in his crib, instead of on

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Body Issues

Like so many other women out there, I have struggled with body issues most of my life. It’s hard not to have them when you see what is on the magazine covers and when everyone of them has some sort of tip on how to either stay slim or how to lose weight. I have

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My Speech

I had to give my first speech for class this past Thursday… I am not a speech giver. I get very, very nervous when I’m in a situation like that… heck I nearly spilled all of the champagne because my hand was shaking so hard when I gave the toast at my sisters wedding! So…

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Oh I wish…

I sometimes wish that I was able to organize my “real life” surroundings as neatly as I am able to organize my computer desktop… and by that I do not mean that desk that my computer sits on… no, I mean the computer itself. It is so nice and uncluttered… everything has its place in

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I’m the crazy one

You may now call me the crazy hormonal woman! I think that I may have rightfully earned that title earlier this week…. but… in my defense, the guy was asking for it. The day started out a pain in the butt. Noah had one of his “middle of the night wide awake and play with

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10 Things…

…you may not know about me. 10)     I once ate 9 1/2 hot fudge sunday’s with sprinkles at a Ponderosa… that was after having finished my meal (my parents rules… no dessert unless we finished our meals). I was so proud of myself and so stuffed!!! 9)      I was a nerd already in elementary school.

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Are you a Mommy Blogger?

Is your answer automatically yes? Are you quick to say “no!”? What thought comes to mind when you hear the words (or read them for that matter) “Mommy Bloggers”? Is it positive? Does it make you cringe? Do you really not care one way or the other? I’ve been hearing those two words a lot

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