How do you socialize?

TwitterFacebookNetworkedBlogsMomBloggers ClubMomSparkTwittermoms…   BlogFrogthere are so many ways out there in the interwebs that allow us to be social beyond just our blogs. It is said that social networking is a key factor to getting your name out there and getting known by people beyond your “inner circle”… but how many networks should you belong too and just how social should you be?

If you’re looking for a great answer to that… well, sorry I’m not much help there. I joined the above social networking sites and then some and I have to honestly say that apart from Twitter and occasionally Facebook, I’m pretty much non-existent on the the rest of them. In fact, I really only go to the other sites  when I have a giveaway to promote… that’s the sad but honest truth. It takes time to be an active member on all of those sites… and lets face it, I’m a pregnant blogging mom of a toddler who is going back to school for the first time in 9 years while trying not to neglect her husband and keep up with her house… I don’t have the extra time to spend on all of those sites (heck sometimes I feel like I don’t even have the time to blog… but I make time for that!!). I think that’s why I like Twitter… it’s instant and easy and I can send tweets via text messages from my phone.

I want to cut back on the number of social networking sites that I belong to, but I’m not sure which ones I should say good-bye to and which ones I should stick with. There are some sites that I know that I will not leave… Twitter, Facebook, NetworkedBlogs and BlogFrog are here to stay (as well as some of the PR Friendly sites)… but what about the rest? To get a good view of the groups that I belong to you can look here. My question to you is this… do you belong to any social networking sites? If so how many and which ones… and how social are you on them?

I just want to simplify my life both on- and offline and not feel guilty about “belonging” to something that I hardly ever frequent. If cleaning up where I belong to allows me to be a more “regular” face on the other sites and gives me the chance to meet even more people, well then that’s something that I will look forward to!!

8 thoughts on “How do you socialize?”

  1. I think that the most important thing about social networking sites is to only do what makes you happy. As soon as you start dreading updating your Facebook status, have to force yourself to make a Tweet….it’s time to cut back. Do the ones that you enjoy.

    This is suppose to be fun! Yes, you’ll miss out on somethings…but you will enjoy it. And that is what is important.

  2. I like to tweet on Twitter. I also joined TwitterMoms, but I don’t think I’ve visited that site since I joined it!

    And I also have a Facebook profile, but I hardly ever visit that site, either.

  3. Since we are expats, I like Facebook as a way to share photos with family and friends. I tried Twitter, but I couldn’t see the point. It didn’t make sense for me. I spend enough time managing the blog and reading the various blogs I follow, that I don’t need to waste any more time on the computer.

    I think you just have to find what works for you and not feel bad about it.

    P.S. You were above me in today’s SITS roll call . . . Helloooooo! 🙂

  4. There is so much out there…and I think I’ve overextended myself on how many I am a part of….there are a good chunk I rarely visit anymore…I totally think I’ll stick with twitter, facebook and The Mom Bloggers Club…but other than that…I’m keeping a low profile….

    and of course SITS….

  5. I totally don’t get Twitter. It feels like a lame FB with only status updates…can’t get into it. But it is SO TOTALLY pathetic that I good chunk of my social life comes from Facebook! Get me outta this tiny town!!!!!!!

  6. Well, I belong to a whole bunch. But I only really make time for Mom Bloggers Club, Twitter, Facebook and 52 Sketches(Scrapping). right now I am getting a kick making the Twitter lists:)

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