Fun Stuff

Almost turkey day

Here we are, the night before turkey day 2011. Ray has the week off and the kids and I are enjoying being able spend a lot of time with him! To be quite honest, I’m also enjoying the extra pair of hands at home since he was gone for four days last week and the littlest Krause to be seems to be draining me of most of my energy right now!

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Pumpkin picking 2011

It’s my favorite time of year again! I love the fall… maybe it’s because my birthday is in the fall… maybe it’s the crisp air and the changing leaves… maybe it’s just everything about it… I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m looking forward to fall for months! One of the things

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Homemade Playdough {Tutorial}

It’s back to school time, so you know what that means… sickies galore!!! =)

The kids have been fighting something ever since they got their flu shots 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was hoping in Abby’s case that her runny nose was caused by teething (getting 2 of the last bottom 4!!), but it doesn’t look like that was entirely it. Both kids were feeling pretty crumby this past Sunday (lets face it, Ray and I weren’t feeling too great either – we’re fighting whatever “it” is too), so the day was spent doing “calm” things… even though it would have been great to get out and run and play… it was a beautiful fall day!

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Visiting Santa’s Village

No, you did not read that wrong… for those of you not from the Chicago area, Santa’s Village is a children’s amusement park that has been around for a very long time. I was never there as a kid, but Ray had been and so have many others that I know. It had closed down for a few years, but opened back up this past Memorial Day and I was curious to see what it was all about.

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Pool time

It was hot last weekend… not as hot as it was at the beginning of this week, but it was still hot. We took the kiddie pool out for the first time this summer and though it is small, both kids fit into it and had fun splashing around and getting each other wet.

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No hockey virgin here!

Last Friday Ray surprised me with a phone call at 9 am… he was able to find a pair of tickets to the Blackhawks/Canucks playoff game 6!!! A quick phone call to my mom later (we couldn’t go without a sitter after all), and the tickets were ours!

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Walking in Nature

We’ve had some crazy weather here over the past few days. Cold then warm… rain then sunshine… calm and crazy windy… I think Mother Nature finally decided that yes, it finally is time to let fall be fall and the last few days of October were beautiful… the perfect sunny, sweater/light coat, hat wearing days.

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Tell it Tuesday – Summertime

Another week has past and it’s Tuesday again… for a little while longer at least. We’ve been keeping busy here in our neck of the ‘burbs… there are pools to swim in, play dates to go to, people to visit and projects to be made on rainy days (which there haven’t been too many of lately!).

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