
Crocheted Flat Easter Egg Tutorial

Back in 2011, I was on the hunt for a flat Easter egg crochet pattern that was worked in the round. I had made a heart garland a few weeks earlier for Valentines Day and I wanted to make a similar egg garland for Easter. I searched the internet and found that there were plenty of patterns for 3 dimensional eggs and flat eggs worked in rows

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Hello December

It’s December… eleven months have passed through 2012, each day a little different from the day before it, yet all still somehow the same. It seems that the days pass by a little more quickly the older I get… I turned 35 this year… 35… *sigh*

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Obviously sitting down to pre-write posts isn’t working out so well. This past week has been filled with such a mix of things. Last Thursday I took the kids to the pediatrician for flu shots, a check up {Noah’s 4 year… I’m only 3 months behind} and the latest set of vaccinations. Needless to say, it was inevitable that at least 1 of my children would have a reaction to the shots… and it was Noah. The poor kid’s temp started rising Thursday evening and he didn’t break it until sometime on Sunday.

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Happy Holidays!

Two days from now, our family, like so many others, will be in the middle of the holiday crazies. Once again we’ll be packing the kids up and driving to visit the families… 4 stops in all during the two Christmas days… it gets to be a bit hectic and stressful, so I thought I would wish you all a very safe and Merry Christmas a few days early.

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Dragging on…

Is is just me, or did this week feel like the.longest.week.ever!!! Wow! It was only Tuesday and I could have sworn it was Thursday already. And while the first few days felt like they just dragged on, in reality it passed by pretty quickly.

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Pumpkin picking 2011

It’s my favorite time of year again! I love the fall… maybe it’s because my birthday is in the fall… maybe it’s the crisp air and the changing leaves… maybe it’s just everything about it… I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m looking forward to fall for months! One of the things

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Mother’s Day rewind

I came downstairs on Mother’s Day to see that my cactus bloom had had a growth spurt over night. I don’t remember this cactus every blooming in the spring, so it is a real treat to see the white buds popping up on it! This particular flower has opened up completely now and I just love it.

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Easter Egg Garland {Tutorial}

Now that all of the winter holidays are over and it is officially Springtime ( YAY!! Though you would never know it by looking or going outside today), I thought it would be a good idea to get some cheerful decorations in the house. I’ve seen Valentine and St Patrick’s Day garlands out in blogland and was inspired by them to make the pattern for my Easter Egg Garland!!

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