
Foto Friday

This is a picture of me with my niece E that was taken almost a year ago right before my first baby shower. I was just over 34 weeks pregnant and little E was only 4 1/2 months old. It was hot and humid and I was starting to feel miserable… but it was totally […]

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Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!!! and…. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Daniela!!! It’s my cousins birthday today… it’s funny, because for the longest time she thought that we Americans (she’s German) were setting off fireworks to celebrate her birthday! How cute is that? I’m pretty sure that she knows better now. =) It’s been a busy past

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Tell it Tuesday

  I was going through my reader yesterday and I still have over 100 posts to read… so I guess I’m not quite caught up yet… you guys/girls write too much! I mean, I didn’t check it for 3 days and I had over 200 posts to read! Craziness! Anyway… I was going through my

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Foto Friday

He was trying so hard to read – we just hated to tell him the book was upside down! Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear what you have to say, so stop on over and chat with me!

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Foto Friday

Someone had a lot of fun on the swing this week… and someone else had fun playing with the new camera and lens! Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear what you have to say, so stop on over and chat with me!

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Foto Friday

I totally forgot to post on Noah’s 10 month birthday! (It was on Monday) As you can see – we have our 3rd tooth now and the 4th is this close to popping through! Have a great weekend everyone!

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New Talent Woes…

Noah has perfected the art of standing in his crib to where he can go from laying on his back to standing in about 2 seconds. This proves to be a problem at bedtime now, because he no longer just turns around and falls asleep… as he finally had started doing… oh no… bedtime has

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A New Toy

My husband finally did it. After months of debating whether or not we should upgrade to a better camera, he decided to go and buy the Canon T1i and we love it!! Almost 13 years ago, I bought my first SLR – a Canon Rebel S II. It was a great camera and I lugged

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For my 100th post I’m joining the fun over at Nicole’s blog What a Trip! and am listing some of the things I’m thankful for. I am thankful that my little ol’ blog has made it this far and that I’ve finally gotten this post written. Not gonna lie to you… I was on a

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