
A belated Halloween post

Halloween was a little over a week ago and I am just now getting to posting to it. In my defense, it took Ray a few days to process the RAW files so that I could use them. As I type this, my husband is sleeping on the sofa next to me and my two little rug rats are up in their room.

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Dragging on…

Is is just me, or did this week feel like the.longest.week.ever!!! Wow! It was only Tuesday and I could have sworn it was Thursday already. And while the first few days felt like they just dragged on, in reality it passed by pretty quickly.

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Pumpkin picking 2011

It’s my favorite time of year again! I love the fall… maybe it’s because my birthday is in the fall… maybe it’s the crisp air and the changing leaves… maybe it’s just everything about it… I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m looking forward to fall for months! One of the things

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Cranberry Festival 2011

As I mentioned before, Ray’s mom has been driving to the Warrens Cranberry Festival for over 30 years. If you like cranberries, then this is the festival for you! There are fresh cranberries, dried cranberries, and sweetened cranberries. There’s cranberry wine, cranberry liqueur, and cranberry beer… let’s just put it this way… there are cranberries in just about everything there!! =) Oh and did I mention that they have fried cheese curds too… mmmmm my mouth is drooling just thinking about it again.

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So it’s official… Noah is a preschooler. *sigh* I can’t believe it. I look at him and still see that tiny face that stared up at me with those big blue eyes and toothless grin that only an infant has… only to blink and see a 3+ foot tall, 30 something pound bundle of energy and attitude in front of me. I can’t believe he’s in preschool already!

Preschooler Read More »

I’m 3!!!

Okay, I’m not… you can add 30 years to that to get my age… and it will be another year older soon, because I have a birthday that is quickly approaching… but I digress.

My blog is 3 today!! I can’t believe that 3 years ago, while tired and sleep deprived (wait how is that any different from today) and caring for a newborn (oh there it is!) I started my little adventure in blogging. It was an innocent start… I wanted family to be able to keep up with little Mr Noah’s growth and changes. He was only 10 days old and soooooo tiny!!

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A breezy kind of day

It has been hot here in the Midwest these past few weeks (though thankfully not as hot as other states)! The problem is, I don’t really do hot weather very well. The whole time I kept dreaming of cooler days and even cooler nights.

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Noah’s 3!!

Happy Birthday to my little big boy!
Three years ago you decided you had spent enough time inside your warm cushy home and came out to meet us and change our lived forever. We love you so very much!!

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Us vs the Dune Climb

The kids are napping, so I’m going to jump in with a quick post. Yes I am going to bore you with more photo’s of our vacation. Yes I have other things that I would like to write about, but for some reason I feel a little tongue tied right now. Maybe it’s the heat… it’s 1:30 and currently 94 degrees out… with a heat index of over 100… did you hear that? It’s the sound of me melting just thinking about it.

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