
2 years later

Two years ago, Ray and I walked into the local courthouse as giddy as two teenagers. Shortly after 1pm, we walked out of the courthouse as a married couple. We went to lunch and then later to Baby’s R us to get a few more things for Noah’s room… He was due just 5 short weeks later. We didn’t tell anyone about what we did until the next day…

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2 Years and Counting

Two years ago today Ray and I were in the middle of trying to put up crown molding in the master bedroom… it was our first time and thank goodness none of the kids were born yet, because if I remember correctly there were a few choice four letter words being used regularly by at least one of us. I was 20 weeks pregnant and Ray and I had just found out a few days earlier that we were having a boy (hello Noah!!).

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Please welcome Abigail!

So it happened… 4 weeks early… little baby Abigail (whose middle name is still to be determined) could wait no longer!

It all started last night… though I didn’t know it then. I went to class as usual and one of my other classmates commented that I looked like I was carrying lower… I thought she was crazy because it sure didn’t look like it to me, but whatever!

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

I hope that you all had a good New Years Eve. Like I wrote yesterday, ours was pretty low key. Ray ended up falling asleep on the couch. He did wake up in time to go upstairs to get ready for bed and was awake at midnight, so all was okay! (Hey you just have to get that midnight kiss!!)

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Happy New Years Eve!

We started out our day early… the alarm went off at 7 am (well the first time). By 7:45 Noah and I were up and getting ready (we let daddy sleep a little while longer… aren’t we nice?!) since together we take the longest. After getting Noah washed and dressed we spent some time doing a little of this…

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It’s my Party!!!

Hi and welcome SITSa’s!!!

I’m so happy to have you here! I big shout out and thank you to Tiffany and Heather – the two masterminds behind the beauty that is SITS (The Secret is in the Sauce for those of you not in the know). It is a great place to meet many, many great and wonderful bloggers.

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