Foto Friday

foto friday

Noah has been drinking from a straw for a few months now…

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he prefers it over his sippy cups.

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Isn’t he just adorable…

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who would think that behind that little smile and those bright blue eyes…

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is a Mr Destructo just waiting to let loose and get into trouble…

but one look at him makes you just forget about that!

I can’t believe that my baby is turning 1 in just a few short days! We have been busy getting all of the preparations ready for his party… we even ordered the cake yesterday.  I’m not gonna lie… I may cry a little on the 8th. I can’t believe my little baby is growing up so fast!! Which one of you told him that he was allowed to do that?!?! I know it wasn’t me. 😉

9 thoughts on “Foto Friday”

  1. He is adorable! I cry, thinking that they are all growing up too fast! My “baby” will be 4 in Sept. 🙁

  2. They do grow up fast. My oldest is 11 and my youngest 2. There are good things about every age.

    Thanks for coming by on Tuesday for my special SITS day!

  3. I would never tell Noah to grow up! I tell the kids not too!

    He is just to stinkin’ cute!! Already drinking out of a straw, WOW!

    Hey, what is this technorati all about?

  4. Hi from SITS!

    Yes, they do grow up waay too quickly. I just went to a wedding this weekend of a little girl I used to babysit since she was about 3. I couldn’t believe how fast time went.

    All too soon, it’ll be my little girl’s wedding… *sniff* NO! 🙁 How I wish I could pause time!!

    Your little guy is a cutie! 🙂

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