The Dino says “ROAR!”

My children also roar at me too… so I guess Noah and Abby say “Roar” too!

We’re one month into the school year, and things are finally starting to get back in order, thank goodness!! Last week was spent recouping from my youngest sister’s wedding(!!!), spending some time with family that came over from Germany, trying to stop a head cold from getting worse and spreading to the others, and sewing of course!! Unfortunately, I didn’t do so well with the head cold… it was passed on to both Ray and Noah… and it’s still trying to decide if it wants to stay with me or leave me. =(

Despite all of the sickies and other busyness, I have made it down into the basement write a bit these past few weeks to work on new orders…some of them involved making totes with fabric that I already had on hand (like these now all sold out Halloween totes!!!!), while others forced *wink* me to go to the store to buy new fabric… torture I tell you, pure torture! 😉

I happen to LOVE the new fabric and can’t wait to show you all of it…


Noby Designs Dino tote


Isn’t that dino print just the cutest? This was such a fun order to work on! In addition to this little guy, I also sewed up two more totes…

Noby Designs Paisley Flower tote

Loved this fabric too! I had originally bought a half yard of this to make into a skirt for Abby… well that never happened. Instead, I’ve used it to make an e-reader case for myself (a product that I’m contemplating adding to the shop), and now these two totes. I think it’s also the perfect fabric now for the fall…I love the brown with the pale shades of blue, pink, and green!

I’ll be in the studio again today, sewing up an “Ava” tote… I only have enough fabric left to make one more tote in both sizes… I loved this print the moment I saw it and am so happy that it has been so popular!

What’s your favorite fabric style… floral, whimsical, geometric?


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