Changing things

It’s the beginning of November and I can’t believe just how quickly this year is flying by… it feels like I blinked and missed a whole month… or two… or three! To say that I have been keeping myself busy, is an understatement. I’ve been in my sewing dungeon studio a lot this past month thanks to a steady stream of Noby Designs tote orders… Halloween totes, wedding party gifts and even my first international sale! I had my first truly custom tote order… that one was a little scary to make, since it was very detailed, but it turned out great and the customer (and her daughter) loved it.

White Rabbit collage

It wasn’t always easy finding the time to get downstairs… Noah took less than the desired amount of naps last month, and though he does still fight them on some days, he has been on a pretty good nap roll lately… today being one of the days where he fought me. I may have mentioned it once or twice on here, but the only time that I really get any work done… whether it’s sewing or writing…  is when the kids are napping. So it makes me incredibly happy when both kids go to sleep, because it gives me a little “me” time… which, I’ve found out lately that I really need.

I tend to be more short tempered and crabby on the days when Noah doesn’t nap… coincidence? I think not. Funny thing is though that while sewing makes me feel great, I’ve  been neglecting my writing… and that makes me feel crummy… and so I’m working on finding a happy medium. Which means that I may resort to doing something that I haven’t really done before… prewriting and scheduling posts… we’ll see how that goes, since I’m more of a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person {in many, many aspects of life, much to the dismay of my husband ;)}

For the first time in weeks, I don’t have a custom order waiting to be worked on or finished. And, while I like knowing that I have a sold order to work on, it feels great to have some freedom to work on a few new items. =) I’m really, really looking forward to that!! I’m also looking forward to making some changes to the blog as well… just a little facelift. =)

So tell me, what have you been up to lately?


2 thoughts on “Changing things”

  1. I write the same way. I don’t pre-write or schedule posts. I’m interested to know how it works for you. 🙂 I like living by the seat of my pants, but sometimes a little schedule helps me a lot.

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