Summer happenings

These past few weeks have just been flying by! All three kids have been home for a little over a month now and as you might imagine, our days have been busy!

It’s been a bit of a cold, rainy summer so far, but there are no complaints here. The cooler weather means that we’ve been able to turn off the AC and open the windows more often. I love and look forward to those days… I can’t stand the stuffiness of closed windows and love to feel the breeze flowing through our home! I can’t help but be in a good mood those days.

Summer walks

The rainy days and cooler weather haven’t stopped us from getting out and having some fun. A day playing indoors is great here and there, but we try to get outside as much as we can… the park, splashpad, and beach are three of our favorite destinations.

At the beach

All three kids love the beach and we are so lucky to have two of them here in town! Both are within minutes from our home, but out of the two, the newer one of them is definitely our favorite. The beach toys and towels never  leave the van in the summer and we try to get there as often as we can.

Splashpad fun

We decided to take a little road trip and drive to Branson, MO over the 4th of July. We’ve heard such good things about it and finally decided to make the trip to check it out. The Ozarks are beautiful and it was nice to see something other than flat land, but Branson itself ended up not being our sort of vacation place… there were too many people and it was way too tourist-trappy. It wasn’t a total bust though and we did take the kids to some fun places – Abby’s highlight of the weekend was the tiger sanctuary and Noah loved the cavern that we visited.

Abby and the lion

My elbow still bothers me most days, and while I’ve been working a little on a cross stitch project that was started years ago, there hasn’t been much going on in the crafty department lately. Deep Blue and lots of rest help my elbow feel better, and I hope to be able to start knitting and crocheting more regularly again soon. I have so many new things for the shop that I’d like to start working on, and it really pains me to not be able to do that right now.

A photo posted by Michaela Krause (@nobydesigns) on Jun 16, 2015 at 7:57pm PDT


I hope that your summer is going well so far! I’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to!

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