
Mwahaha… it’s Monday!

Ahhhh, Monday fabulous Monday…. wait… what? Really? I mean I have a mountain of laundry to do – and as if the pile that the three of us makes isn’t large enough, the dog has to add to it. Ahh the love… the love.  No, Monday’s are not fabulous… just the day where things go […]

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It shall pass…

Have you ever had one of those days where you start a sentence and then stop midway and think… oh never mind… and you keep doing that over and over? It seems like the past few weeks have been like that for me. I would start a post, get a paragraph or two into it

It shall pass… Read More »

Blog hopping along

Hi there!! BlogHer ’09 is so close to me and yet I couldn’t be further away! Welcome to my humble little blog… I know you’ve been to a bunch of them today, so feel free to sit for a minute and relax… I might even have something cold and refreshing in the fridge… meaning milk,

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What ever happened to respecting the dead? My husband and I were sitting at home on Sunday morning, and as I was flipping through the channels there was another “breaking news” story about Michael Jackson. I don’t know exactly what this one was about… the pain killers that he may or may not have been

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Happy Anniversary

Happy first anniversary honey! This time last gear you and I were freaking out eagerly awaiting our little bundle of trouble joy. Look how well rested we were way back then! (This is the fist picture taken of the 2 of us.) I love you!

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Weekend blahs

This weekend was just like any other weekend… we didn’t know what to do. We kept asking each other over and over again what the other wanted to do and someone (*cough* Ray *cough*) kept looking a laptops online… did I mention that we bought a super cheap laptop last week at Best Buy? I

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Where have I been?

I saw this over on Cassie’s blog  –  Southern Domestic Goddess – and was curious to see what my map would look like. visited 12 states (24%) Create your own visited map of The United States visited 17 countries (7.55%) Create your own visited map of The World I’ve set foot in more countries than

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Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!!! and…. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Daniela!!! It’s my cousins birthday today… it’s funny, because for the longest time she thought that we Americans (she’s German) were setting off fireworks to celebrate her birthday! How cute is that? I’m pretty sure that she knows better now. =) It’s been a busy past

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Hello and Welcome!

Thanks for stopping in! Please excuse the dust… there are still many things that I’m working on right now, but I wanted to get my new site running and here it is! I hope that you like it so far and enjoy your stay. While you’re looking around, make sure to check out my current

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“For the Kids…”

I know I’m not the only one who watched last night’s episode of Jon & Kate plus 8. The Twittersphere was ablaze with Team Jon and Team Kate supporters. Anyone who has been watching the show could guess what the “big announcement” would be even before yesterday’s episode. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to

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