
Tags and Awards

I have really been slacking in the Award recognition and Tag departments!! This post is long overdue and I apologize to everyone for taking so long! I’ve had a few of these since March… wow how time flies! The first award I received was from Xazmin It’s the Sisterhood Award and gets passed on to […]

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Dream a little dream

I’ve never really had a problem remembering dreams. In fact, I have all kinds of dreams while sleeping… vivid ones, boring ones, ones where I speak in English and others in German. I have reoccurring dreams that I can manipulate and change while still dreaming them (I also know if something has changed in it

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There will be changes…

In an effort to make blogging easier, I will be consolidating my blogs. The first two to be put together are this one and my reviews/giveaways. Eventually (hopefully in the not too distant future), Noah’s blog will be integrated as well and it will be one big happy blog… with it’s own domain name… we’re

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New Talent Woes…

Noah has perfected the art of standing in his crib to where he can go from laying on his back to standing in about 2 seconds. This proves to be a problem at bedtime now, because he no longer just turns around and falls asleep… as he finally had started doing… oh no… bedtime has

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Toothless me

I am alive… okay so I haven’t been missing that long, but I felt like I should check in. Everything went well on Friday and thank you to everyone for the well wishes! I have been taking it easy… drinking soup and milk shakes and eating ice cream, while my husband gets to eat the

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A New Toy

My husband finally did it. After months of debating whether or not we should upgrade to a better camera, he decided to go and buy the Canon T1i and we love it!! Almost 13 years ago, I bought my first SLR – a Canon Rebel S II. It was a great camera and I lugged

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99th Post

I’ve really been enjoying the past few days. The weather has been awesome (well with the exception of a day or two) and I’ve been trying to get Noah outside so that he can enjoy something other than the confines of our 4 walls. I would usually post these pictures on his blog, but I

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I found something

I don’t know about you, but I belong to a lot of ning social networks… Mom Bloggers Club, Mom Fuse, Mommatudes… those are just a few that I belong to. I was finding it hard to remember which sites I was a member to, so I started an Excel file with a list of the

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Random Thoughts

The older I get the more annoyed I get with lousy drivers… I’m not the worlds greatest driver by any means, but is it too hard to use a turn signal? Do you have to cut your left turn so tight that you almost hit me or so that I can’t make a right turn

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