
Sunday… bloody Sunday…

I could have used other words… but the words U2 used, seemed to be perfect for me (I love, love, love me some U2). Every Saturday and Sunday start out the same way here in our home… wake up, go to the computer, check emails, google reader (if I get the chance), etc… Then, after […]

Sunday… bloody Sunday… Read More »


I sometimes miss living in Germany… yesterday was one of those days. The Germans kick off the Karneval (or Mardi Gras) season on November 11th at 11:11am… well at least where I lived they did. The festivities really started after Christmas though. That’s when the towns in the region around Cologne would start having Kappensitzungen

Weiberdonnerstag Read More »

I wish…

I wish and hope that I am, and can be, as kind and compassionate as others are. Yesterday Noah and I did some shopping. One of the stores we had to go to was our local home improvement store. While walking around, I saw another mother pushing her child in a stroller… and thought once

I wish… Read More »

Some great Giveaways…

There are some great giveaways going on right now out there in bloggyland. The first one is over at Kidz. Tara has the cutest little girl, Chloe, and she just happens to be a special needs child. Tara started Kidz as “an uplifting resource that celebrates the lives and lessons of special needs children”. She’s

Some great Giveaways… Read More »

Happy Valentines Day!

We wanted to wish everyone a very happy Valentine’s Day!! We woke up to snow (again) this morning and have been spending a very lazy relaxing day at home so far. We had an early Valentines dinner (the 3 of us) at TGI Fridays yesterday. I had the most tender steak ever (maybe it was

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Blah, Blah, Blah ugh…..

It’s only 9 am and already I can feel it’s going to be one of those days. You know the kind… the one where you wish you had stayed in bed. Last night wasn’t too bad. I think Noah is still a little wiped from his vaccinations on Monday. He ended up waking once at

Blah, Blah, Blah ugh….. Read More »

We’re all survivors…

I received this in an email from my husband today and had to share it with my bloggy friends, because I figured according to this we are all survivors. There is some truth to it and even though I didn’t do everything that is listed below, a bunch of it does ring true. TO ALL

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Fill in the blank, I’m…..

1) a WINNER!!! No we did not win the Mega Millions last night… at least I don’t think we did… I mean hubby did go to work today…um, or did he???… Wait! Back to winning! I won my first bloggy giveaway!!! I never win anything, so I totally forgot all about it and then yesterday

Fill in the blank, I’m….. Read More »