
99th Post

I’ve really been enjoying the past few days. The weather has been awesome (well with the exception of a day or two) and I’ve been trying to get Noah outside so that he can enjoy something other than the confines of our 4 walls. I would usually post these pictures on his blog, but I […]

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Random Thoughts

The older I get the more annoyed I get with lousy drivers… I’m not the worlds greatest driver by any means, but is it too hard to use a turn signal? Do you have to cut your left turn so tight that you almost hit me or so that I can’t make a right turn

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Mr Destructo

Someone… and I’m not naming names here, but someone has decided that he does not like to see anything lined up or stacked. If we even so much as start to stack blocks… and I’m talking just putting one on top of the other… this little destruction machine makes his way over to where we

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Enter Title here…

So reading over the post I finished last night, I realized that it may have sounded like the decision we made to let our son “cry it out” was purely for selfish reasons (ie more sleep for us). While that is an added benefit… one which I may add has made me feel even more

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Answered wishes

Do you remember the letter I wrote to my son? Well he listened and answered in a way that was favorable to me, but not by his choice… you see finally, after months of getting up at least once (most nights twice), he is sleeping through the night. We had his 9 month appointment with

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Marengo Ridge Hike

A few weeks ago we decided to take Noah out on his first hike. It was finally dry after a rainy week, so we pulled out our new book “60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Chicago” and looked to see what was fairly close to us. After seeing that Marengo had some trails we packed up the new stroller and Noah and headed out

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9 months

At this time 9 months ago I was recovering from what turned out to be a very quick labor and delivery. Just the day before I had my 38 week appointment and was given the news that no mother wants to hear… “Your baby stopped growing at 35 weeks. We don’t know why… it could

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Dear Son

My dear sweet little boy, We have to have a talk. I know that you are a good little boy who loves his mama and daddy very much. I know that you want to spend all of the time that you can with us. I understand that you are delusional enough to think that we

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Cute Babies

Have you ever looked through the Sunday ads and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the baby sporting the newest style? But not because you thought the baby was oh so cute? More so because that baby looked vary scary? Yeah… you know you have… go on admit it. All babies are supposed

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