
I wish… again

About a year and a half ago, it was just Ray, Noah and me. We had had some rough times with Noah shortly after he was born. He needed to be retested over and over again for his newborn screening, which he kept failing… eventually causing us to drive downtown to to Children’s Memorial Hospital for even more tests

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The day it all began

I may have mentioned once or twice that I started blogging because I needed something to keep me away during Noah’s many late night feedings. A few of the women in my online pregnancy group had blogs and I was interested to find out what they were all about.

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Sick Day

I’m taking a sick day… or two.

Noah starting coming down with something Friday night… sniffles and coughing… then he started getting warm. Saturday at noon his temp was 102F… a bit too high for mid day, but he gets that from his mama.

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Noah vs Bedtime

My sweet little boy… he is getting better at it, but he is still such a pain in the rear when it comes to sleep.

We have had more than our share of bed time problems with this little two year old and yet bed time continues to be a thorn in my side with this little one.

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My Son is Growing Up

I was putting away the dirty dishes last night, when it hit me… I am the mother of a two year old toddler, who at this very minute is sleeping in a twin bed all by himself! A wave of emotion ran over me at that moment and I had to swallow hard and fight back the tears, because as much as I would like to deny it, my son is growing up.

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Tell it Tuesday – Bunkmates

Soooo… in an effort to try and get Noah to go to bed easier and sleep better at night, we decided it was time to move Abby into Noah’s room… well their room. The first night was interesting with Abby fussing every few minutes, while Noah stayed in his bed. I had told him that they were having a slumber party, not that he knew what that meant.

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