
Potty Training

It’s come to that time… we are attempting to potty train Noah. I would love it if he was out of diapers by the time the baby is born. I hate to think of having to change 2 dirty butts! So I’ve given him… and myself… a goal… to have the box of diapers that I bought last week at Sam’s Club be his last box of daytime diapers.

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Tell it Tuesday – 9/15/09

First thing… I am so sad to hear of Patrick Swayze’s passing. I found out about it through a tweet on my phone. Not knowing if it was just another prank, like those from a few months ago, I feverishly searched the internet to see if there were any reports out yet… there weren’t. Sadly

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Foto Friday 9/11/09

Like I had mentioned in my last post, Noah has started using the potty earlier this week. Little did I know then just how comfortable he would become with it. Since yesterday, he has not only been using it for the small stuff… no he’s been really using it!!! I thought I was imagining it

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Tell it Tuesday – 9/8/09

The weekend is over and it’s back to normal now. We enjoyed the long holiday weekend at home. Ray started feeling funny last week and we thought that his allergies might be bothering him… well it seems that it might be more of a sinus infection than an allergy problem. The poor guy just seemed

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