
Abby’s Pizza Party

One of the problems with living in a townhouse is that there isn’t much room to celebrate in the colder months, especially when the immediate family is as large as ours is. Because of this, Abby’s first birthday ended up being a pizza party at one of our favorite local pizzeria’s… not what you may expect of a first birthday, but it turned out great!

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Jump, Jump, Jumping

Mr Noah has learned how to jump! He finally figured it out about a month ago and has been jumping and hopping all over the house since. It’s too cute – at first he barely got any air under his feet, but it was completely new to him and he loved it and squealed in delight whenever he jumped (while saying “jump” at the same time, because you can’t jump if you don’t say it).

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Snow scooting

Now that most of the snow has been melting and there are only a few inches left of what once used to be 3 foot high drifts next to the house, I thought I would remember the blizzard of 2011 with a little video of Noah scooting down one of the snow “mountains” by the house… by the way… those snow mountains still exist and will probably still be here in April since they were well over 6 feet high!

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Just a spoon full of sugar..

I really wanted to write about something fresh, new and well… earth shattering (yeah right!!), but there will be none of that today. No instead I’m taking a teeny tiny break from what I’ve been doing since late last Thursday… which is to say that for the few minutes it’s going to take me to write this I will not be wiping any noses… or putting Vaseline under said noses… or looking for a new “bwoogie cwoff” (Noah translation: boogie cloth).

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What day is it?

Oh my goodness, is it Thursday already? Where has this week flown to?! I can’t believe that tomorrow is Friday. I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy these past few days. Last weekend Abby and I drove down to my moms and met up with my sisters so that we could go dress shopping for my mothers upcoming wedding. Dress shopping is not my thing at all. I am such a practical shopper. I don’t go to the mall just for fun – I go with a purpose… though I have been known to go there with the kids in the winter so that Noah can get his run and play on at the indoor playground.

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Yes It’s Ladies Night…

Well, not really… I have the song stuck in my head though and thought maybe, just maybe if I type part of the lyrics I’ll get it out of my head… I’ll keep you posted 😉
So while Ray is playing a new game he bought on his laptop, I am snuggled with a blanket and my laptop on the couch opposite him… headphones on… listening to Corrine Bailey Rae and Norah Jones on Pandora. This is so different from what Saturday evenings used to be prior to having children…

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Hello mobility, good-bye sanity!

Abby has started taking her first steps… in fact it was a week ago that she took her first steps… first two, then four. She looked so proud of her naked little walking self =) (She and I were getting ready to take a shower… hence the nakedness). While she’s getting better at walking and is taking a few steps here and there, her favorite thing to do when we try to “practice” is to stand there and then let herself fall forward – much like those trust tests they have people do. Thank goodness one of us is always there to catch her. She thinks its a game and giggles like crazy… then she does it again as soon as we stand her back up.

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Looking back at 2010

2010 came and left with a bang… well only if you count the fireworks that were going off outside while ringing in the new year… Ray and I were actually sitting peacefully inside (with Abby sleeping in my arms) watching “Heaven Can Wait” on NetFlix. We were sitting there comfortably after having stuffed our faces with a home cooked dinner featuring fresh lobster tails… soooo tasty!! Thankfully Ray had an alert set up on his phone and it warned us when it got close to midnight… I’m sure we would have missed it otherwise! It was a nice cozy and relaxed New Years… the way that it has been almost every year that we’ve been together.

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Reflections of Christmas (just) past

Well, Christmas is half a week behind us and my home still looks like a toy store threw up in it. Seriously… there are toys and kids stuff everywhere… and that’s when the place is cleaned up! There’s no where to walk when the kids are playing… but they are happy – and sharing the toys (most of the time), which makes me happy. They truly were blessed with gifts from their grandparents and Santa. There are new toy cars and trucks, dollies and strollers, a tea set, a v-reader, a View-Master (remember those!! Santa brought Noah one this year and he loves it as much as Ray and I did as kids!) and soooooooooo much more!

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