
Sick Day

I’m taking a sick day… or two.

Noah starting coming down with something Friday night… sniffles and coughing… then he started getting warm. Saturday at noon his temp was 102F… a bit too high for mid day, but he gets that from his mama.

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Happy 2 years!

Today is my 2 year Blogoversary!! I almost forgot about it, but then the Dr’s office called confirmed Ray’s appointment tomorrow and I remembered that his appointment is on the 19th, so today is the 18th and OH MY GOODNESS I started blogging two years ago with a post detailing Noah’s birth and some pictures of the first 10 days of his life. Anyway…

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My Son is Growing Up

I was putting away the dirty dishes last night, when it hit me… I am the mother of a two year old toddler, who at this very minute is sleeping in a twin bed all by himself! A wave of emotion ran over me at that moment and I had to swallow hard and fight back the tears, because as much as I would like to deny it, my son is growing up.

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Rent, Don’t Buy Textbooks

Did you know that the average student will spend over $500 per term buying textbooks? Seems like an awful lot of money to buy textbooks that often get opened one time, right… well, others… not me. I open them much more often than that… they help me get to sleep after all!! 😉

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Changed plans

Prior to being married and having children, I had made up my mind that there were things that I would and wouldn’t do in my marriage and with my children. I had thought that I knew what would be best for me and my not yet existent family just by observing others and deciding what they did right and wrong.

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No Go BlogHer – I’m home!

It’s that time of year when thousands of bloggers get together for what may be THE blogging event BlogHer… this year it’s in New York City and happens to fall just days before Noah’s birthday, so it’s a No Go for me. My good bloggy friend Stefany over at To Be Thode teamed up with Maya from Musings of a Marf Mom to bring a bit of fun and swag to us non BlogHer ’10 attending bloggers.

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2 years later

Two years ago, Ray and I walked into the local courthouse as giddy as two teenagers. Shortly after 1pm, we walked out of the courthouse as a married couple. We went to lunch and then later to Baby’s R us to get a few more things for Noah’s room… He was due just 5 short weeks later. We didn’t tell anyone about what we did until the next day…

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Going to the Movies

We’re lucky to have a Regal Cinema’s theater here in our town… why? Because during the summer they have the Free Family Film Festival, meaning that every Tuesday and Wednesday from now until sometime in August they’re showing a G and PG rated movie that you can go and watch for FREE!!! (I love free!!)

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