
New Years Resolution- Crafts

I tend to get a severe case of craft procrastination (not that I ever, ever procrastinate about anything else! ha!). I will start a project and then for one reason or another will not finish it. Either I don’t have all of the materials needed, something goes wrong with it or I just get bored… it doesn’t really matter because the fate of the project is usually the same as the others… it gets shoved off somewhere to be “finished later”.

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

I hope that you all had a good New Years Eve. Like I wrote yesterday, ours was pretty low key. Ray ended up falling asleep on the couch. He did wake up in time to go upstairs to get ready for bed and was awake at midnight, so all was okay! (Hey you just have to get that midnight kiss!!)

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Happy New Years Eve!

We started out our day early… the alarm went off at 7 am (well the first time). By 7:45 Noah and I were up and getting ready (we let daddy sleep a little while longer… aren’t we nice?!) since together we take the longest. After getting Noah washed and dressed we spent some time doing a little of this…

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Little Girl Update

I haven’t really been mentioning the pregnancy much, so I thought I would put the spotlight on little girl for a moment or two.

Mainly this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful, even more so than Noah’s. Ray has told me that I am acting differently quite a few times… a little more on edge and crabby if you will (though he chose other words).

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My Monday Musings

Just a quick post before the day starts (I’m actually writing this Sunday night, but shhhhh don’t tell!). I’m pretty much done with my Christmas shopping, but I still have a lot to do before Thursday.

I still haven’t sent out my Christmas cards – I made up some photo cards on Friday, but have to have them printed and sent out today… talk about last minute!! I know that for the German family they will be more like New Years cards, but its the thought that counts right?

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Wow, just wow!

My SITS day has ended and all I can say is wow!!! I went to bed last night with a few comments already in my inbox and when I woke up this morning – holy cow! I think my laptop and inbox were steaming they were working so hard! The same thing happened again this afternoon once I was able to find some time to log on again. I was prepared for some comment love, but seriously you guys (gals) ROCK!!!

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It’s my Party!!!

Hi and welcome SITSa’s!!!

I’m so happy to have you here! I big shout out and thank you to Tiffany and Heather – the two masterminds behind the beauty that is SITS (The Secret is in the Sauce for those of you not in the know). It is a great place to meet many, many great and wonderful bloggers.

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Merry SITSmas 2009

Merry SITSmas!!! SITS is having it’s 2nd annual SITSmas celebration. It’s a fun filled day of blog hopping and prize winning excitement. So if you haven’t yet, you might want to go check it out. 2009 has been filled with joy and tears here in our house. Noah is growing like a little weed and

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