
A cyber kind of Monday

I’m having my own version of Cyber-Monday today, but not in the shopping kind of way. I just spent the past three hours while Noah napped (Yes 3 hours!!! It was bliss, since he usually only naps 1 -2 hours) working on homework to turn in online to one of my teachers. I have 4 […]

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Randomness on a Saturday night

So while Ray is sitting at his computer playing the Orange Box… again… I’ve decided to sit down and return some comment love. In doing so I’ve had to hang my head in shame, because I’ve realized that there are comments from bloggers that stopped by almost a month ago on the list of bloggers

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Doing some Blog-keeping

I’ve decided to do some blog-keeping…  sure I still have housework to do and should probably have done that… but it was our vacation and the housework can wait until today! So, instead this past weekend I spent some time at the Mom Bloggers Club and made sure that who I was following in Networked

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Vacation ponderings

We are on vacation and I sit here on the couch with the laptop while my husband is sleeping next to me and my son naps upstairs. I’m expecting Noah to wake up any minute now only to fall asleep again as soon as I hold him. Ray on the other hand… the poor guy

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Playing God

As a pet owner, at what point do you stop letting nature take its natural course and step in to “play God”? This is a decision that Ray and I have been tackling over these past two weeks. All of a sudden two weeks ago, Snickers was unable to properly use her back legs and

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Add a dash of drama

It seems that in our family no get together is complete unless there is some sort of drama involved… some with more… some with less, but always a little. There was no shortage of drama this past weekend and the weeks leading up to it. Anyone who knows me, knows that (being a Libra) I

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Hello again….

It’s so good to say hello again! We are back from our short but fun vacation in Florida. There will be a post (or 2 or 3) to follow soon about it, but not right now and not today. It has been a whirlwind of excitement since Thursday and though we had a lot of

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