
Back on the Bandwagon

I am starting to feel disgusted when I look at myself in the mirror and lets not start talking about how I feel when I get on the scale. Instead of seeing the numbers go down, they are holding steady… worse yet they may even possibly be starting to creep back up. I’m nearing the […]

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Cranky Baby

This post is going to be short and sweet, because I still have a alot to get done this morning before I leave to go visit the Grandma and Omi. Noah’s first little tooth is coming out. It broke through the skin last night and I noticed it while feeding him. All of a sudden

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I have some awards that I received that I need to post. This first one is from Moomettesgram’s Musings. She has a great blog that really covers everything from e-commerce and Networking to Parenting and Grandparenting tips. She started this award as a way to celebrate “how far Women have come – and how much

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Happiness is…

Happiness is knowing that in a few short hours, my friend, the UPS man, will be bring me (yes you heard right me!) a package… one that may keep me away from my husband for the next day or so… NEW MOON!!! (get your mind out of the gutter!!!) I am officially hooked on the

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Noah’s Mobile

Noah has become mobile… he has caught onto rolling from back to belly a lot faster than the other way around. It has also made me even more conscious about the state of our flooring. The carpet – though it was deep cleaned in the summer – is filthy. It is to be expected with

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I’m addicted

…to blogging. When I started blogging a few months ago, I never thought that I would end up getting so addicted to it. I started this journey with the simple intention to blog about Noah and keep my family updated on how he is doing. So I started what my husband now lovingly refers to

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I ride

My husband has a Harley, so does his brother… and his father. My father has one too, as well as his wife and my sisters boyfriend. Our friends ride… our neighbors ride… As the weather gets warmer here in the northern Midwest the bikes start coming out. It’s important, as car drivers, to remember to

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Click Love Button

EDIT: I am removing the button from my blog… Sandy left the following comment below: Be very careful! Adsense is removing ads from those who encourage clicking! I would hate to see that happen to you:0) I don’t want to cause anyone to lose their ads, nor do I wish to lose mine, so the

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I got my prize!!

Remember how a few weeks ago I won the 100th post giveaway over at Southern Fried Dreams??!! Well…. I got the package with my goodies!!! It arrived on a very (well sort of) snowy Saturday…. I was even able to take a picture of everything in there before my husband got to the chocolate!! Edited

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