
LTMF – November

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in… nearly a month (maybe even over a month now… I started writing this last week). In early October, life busy with school, hockey practices and games, Halloween preparations, and product development for the shop… add to that a growing little person, hiding inside of me, making me tire more easily…

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Letter to my father (2)

So it’s been just over two weeks now… it’s getting a little easier to deal with now during the day, but it’s still hard. Despite thinking that there can’t possibly any tears left in me, there are – lots of them in fact – and they still fall freely. I feel numb most days and like I’m just going through the motions.

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Taste of Summer

Summer vacation is nearly here for all of the littles in the house. Abby had her last day of preschool 2 weeks ago. I must admit that it was a little bittersweet. I’ve had at least one little in going to that school for the past four years… and now there will be a 2 year gap – and only one of the teachers that my kids had will be there when we return. While it will be odd not having anyone to bring to preschool, I’m really looking forward to spending more quality time alone with Michael!

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Age of Brass and Steam shawl in beige yarn

Age of Brass and Steam take two

A few months ago I knit myself an Age of Brass and Steam shawl for myself… only to finish it and realize that 1) it was smaller than I had wanted it to be and 2) it was also a lot stiffer than I had hoped. Since I loved the design, I knew that I would be knitting it up again… so I unravelled it all and prepped the yarn for reknitting.

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Abigail’s Retro Circle Blanket

About three years ago I started a crochet project that I had hoped would be finished quickly, but knew would take a while to complete. It was springtime and I figured that I could have it finished by December – as a Christmas gift for Abby. Christmas came and went…. twice, before it was finally completed! Abby finally got her blanket for her 5th birthday this year.

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Hello Summer

This past school year just flew by… maybe it’s because I’ve now got three kids at home… maybe it’s because I’m getting older… who knows!

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Playing around

I finally found the courage to take some photos in manual mode with our “big” camera… most of them turned out pretty well. Those that didn’t… well they were either deleted right away or didn’t make the cut to be shown here. *wink*

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