
Flashback {Foto Friday}

I couldn’t help but post these… this is Noah almost 1 year ago (Jan 30th, 09). He was drooling because he was cutting his first teeth and we were having fun playing in the loft with his toys. Funny that 1 year later things aren’t much different… he’s still cutting teeth and we will be upstairs playing in the loft soon! 😉

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Call me Rudolph

So… as I mentioned earlier this week, Noah has been sick since the beginning of the week. At first we thought that he was cutting teeth, seeing that his two top I teeth and a molar were on the verge of popping through.

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28 weeks and 17 months {Foto Friday}

We had our 27/28 week appointment this Wednesday. Besides getting to drink the lovely orange crush flavored glucose drink, we were also given the chance to see our little girl again. Yes… we did double check to make sure she’s still a girl… call us paranoid! The doctors want to have 2 extra ultrasounds to check her growth, since Noah had problems with that

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