
Warren Dunes State Park

or otherwise titled… The kids vs the first dune!

We left our home and started driving east. Ray and I knew that the kids would never make it through a 6 1/2 hour drive with out stopping a longer stop to run off some energy, so we planned a little detour to the Warren Dunes State Park in Michigan.

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Visiting Santa’s Village

No, you did not read that wrong… for those of you not from the Chicago area, Santa’s Village is a children’s amusement park that has been around for a very long time. I was never there as a kid, but Ray had been and so have many others that I know. It had closed down for a few years, but opened back up this past Memorial Day and I was curious to see what it was all about.

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Thank goodness they’re cute!

It is just after 10pm and I have finally finished editing photos that I took of the kids outside playing and had intended posting last week. I’m the only one awake in the house (not including any ants or other creepy crawlies that know better than to make themselves known to me and my shoe of insect death)… it’s an odd feeling. Sure I’m the only one awake at nap time, but almost never at night… okay so that’s not entirely true… there are many nights where Ray and I are downstairs watching a movie and I’m the only one awake watching it… but that’s not the case tonight… no tonight he’s actually already sleeping in bed. I probably should be too… I’m so very tired.

Thank goodness they’re cute! Read More »

Pool time

It was hot last weekend… not as hot as it was at the beginning of this week, but it was still hot. We took the kiddie pool out for the first time this summer and though it is small, both kids fit into it and had fun splashing around and getting each other wet.

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I wost you!

Those are the words Noah said to me when I picked him up at my mom’s house on Monday. It was so cute! I guess he said that he “wost” me to my mom a few times too. I tried to explain to him that no, he didn’t lose me. We were just at the Blackhawks game.

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104 Days of Summer Vacation…

Can anyone (other than Ray and Noah) finish the lyrics for me?!? If you can then you your children are as hooked on Phineas and Ferb as we are Noah is. I had seen an episode back before we got rid of cable (almost a year ago), but Noah was too young, so it didn’t catch on here in the Krause house… until last week that is.

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