
It’s Christmas everywhere!

That’s Noah’s newest saying… we’ll be in a store, driving down the road or just coming down the stairs and Noah will stop, look around and say “It’s Christmas everywhere!” It’s too cute!! Ray said it once and it’s been Noah’s thing since then. I love seeing the excitement in his eyes as he sees the decorations and the lights, and I love that he wants to turn the lights on the tree on as soon as we get up… but they’re on a timer so I make up some excuse as to why I don’t. The little bugger has learned how to plug in the lights on the railing though, so I guess there will be a safety plug added to the extension cord!

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More teeth and other updates

I few week have passed since the last update on the children and all I can say is that they have not slowed down where the milestones are concerned.

Our little Abigail is stunning us with how quickly she is learning new things. Less than 4 weeks after starting to crawl, she is now pulling herself up on anything and everything she can and is starting to cruise

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Pumpkin picking {Foto Friday}

Last year we took Noah to a nearby farm to pick out a pumpkin. We decided to go to the same one again this year, but had problems actually getting there since the weather and our colds seemed to be working against us most weekends. We finally did make it out to the farm the day before Halloween and I have to say that we couldn’t have gone on a more perfect day… the sun was shining and there was a chill in the air, but it wasn’t too cold. It was simply perfect.

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Walking in Nature

We’ve had some crazy weather here over the past few days. Cold then warm… rain then sunshine… calm and crazy windy… I think Mother Nature finally decided that yes, it finally is time to let fall be fall and the last few days of October were beautiful… the perfect sunny, sweater/light coat, hat wearing days.

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Halloween 2011

Noah picked out his costume a few days ago and couldn’t wait to wear it. As many of you know from previous posts, Noah’s best (toy) buddy is his monkey George so it was fitting that this year he was a monkey for Halloween.

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Halloween rewind

This will be Noah’s 3rd Halloween and Abby’s first. I spent some time tonight looking through pictures of Noah from the past two years and can’t believe how much my little guy has grown!

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Foto Friday {Foto Friday}

VFor the past week, almost two, we’ve been battling whatever bug has decided the infiltrate the Midwest. It started out with some coughing, then morphed to sinus pressure/runny noses (and in Noah’s case a double ear infection) and now is changing again to a deeper, more throaty cough along with the sinus pressure/runny nose crud. Throw in a few fevers here and there and we really are a hot mess of a family right now.

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Getting back to normal

For some reason I can’t seem to get back into the groove of things. The past week has been a mix of normal and trying. It started off easy enough… I still had half a mountain of clothes to tackle and a house to get back in order. Isn’t it funny how you just have soooo much more work to do after a vacation… even when you’re still trying to keep up with that work while on vacation… yeah not really funny… not funny at all.

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Clingman’s Dome, TN

We had a bit of bad luck with the weather while down in Tennessee… it was either raining or overcast (with the threat of rain) the first few days there. Our last full day there though was forecast to be a beautiful – though chilly day and we meant to take advantage of every minute of sunshine!

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