
Taste of Summer

Summer vacation is nearly here for all of the littles in the house. Abby had her last day of preschool 2 weeks ago. I must admit that it was a little bittersweet. I’ve had at least one little in going to that school for the past four years… and now there will be a 2 year gap – and only one of the teachers that my kids had will be there when we return. While it will be odd not having anyone to bring to preschool, I’m really looking forward to spending more quality time alone with Michael!

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Friday Flashback… On Sunday… I’m a Mom of 2 Going Back to School

The days just got away from me this past week… Ray was out of town last weekend and was supposed to come home Tuesday evening… but his flight was delayed and his plane didn’t land until 1am… much later than expected!! That made for both a very long day and a very short night. Needless to say Wednesday was shot… we were all just too tired to do anything! Noah also celebrated his birthday at preschool this week, and I was happy to be there to enjoy his “big day” with him. He’s so happy to be back and we’re so happy that he really and truly loves going there.

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Tell It Tuesday – May 18th

Here we are again and I am happy to say that I have 3 exams behind me and have one left to take on Thursday. While I don’t have the result yet of the exam I took last night, I am proud to say that so far I’m getting an A in the class… I sure hope to keep the streak going! Hopefully I’ll know by early to midweek next week.

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Tell it Tuesday – Again

Just a quick update today. Time is flying by and I don’t know where it’s going! Abigail is almost 2 months old… in some ways she still feels so new and then in others it feels like she’s been a part of our family forever. She’s got her own little personality already. She’s not much of a crier, instead she grunts… a lot.

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Spring Break

It’s spring break and I’ll admit that even though I have quite a bit of studying to do, I am happy to not have to drive in to school this week. Sure I only go in on one night a week, but even that has been a bit much these past two weeks. So much so, that for the past two weeks I have only gone to class long enough to take a quiz or exam and then I drove back home.

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Tell it Tuesday – It’s all random!

So this is not only the first tell it Tuesday in a long time, but also the first in 2010. I just hooked up the webcam I got for Christmas and am in the middle of setting it up. One of my blogging goals is to start vlogging… I guess that means that I may be drying my hair more often now instead of just pulling it back into my “mama-bun” (and I’ll probably be sporting a little make-up too – not something I do everyday)!

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A cyber kind of Monday

I’m having my own version of Cyber-Monday today, but not in the shopping kind of way. I just spent the past three hours while Noah napped (Yes 3 hours!!! It was bliss, since he usually only naps 1 -2 hours) working on homework to turn in online to one of my teachers. I have 4

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