
2.5 Seconds

2.5 Seconds is all it takes to turn my happy smiling little boy into this: He was just over 3 weeks old in this picture What could cause such an intense reaction? Food, or better said (written… whatever) lack of. I have to time his meals just right. If I have his food ready too

2.5 Seconds Read More »


That’s what I’m calling our current season. It’s spring… it’s winter… its springter! I thought maybe Mother Nature had gotten the memo by now… no snow after March 21st. Unfortunately, it must have gotten lost in the chaos of changing seasons. The good news is that we did not get the 3 to 4 inches

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We interrupt….

life in order to blog!! I just looked and realized that in the past 2 weeks (well, almost) I’ve only posted three times. Granted in that time I did host a give away and post the winner over on my review site, but I feel like I’ve been neglecting my baby. Why have I been

We interrupt…. Read More »

Dear Bugs

Dear Impostor Ladybugs, You may think that you’re fooling me by resembling a ladybug, but I’m onto you. I know what you are and I don’t want you here. Consider this your notice to vacate the premises. Should you choose not to vacate, then you leave me no choice but to exterminate you. I can’t

Dear Bugs Read More »

Check it out

A few days ago I mentioned that I had been contacted to review a new product. Well it arrived and was tested and…. there’s a giveaway that’s open until 3/30/09! From now on any reviews or giveaways I have will be posted here. You can get to this page very easily by clicking the Reviews

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Thank You and updates

I want to thank you all for your kind and encouraging words of support. I’m having a rough start in the food department of my new plan, but the encouraging comments are helping. Lets face it I like my food, but I need to learn to like the quality of the food more than the

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