
Hello August

And just like that, it’s August again! It feels like July just flew by. We started out the month with a quick family trip to Branson, MO – which was fun… but not for us. We stopped by the Tiger Sanctuary and Meramec Caverns on the way home and the kids loved both of those. Honestly,

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This week

I put my youngest in underwear for the first time today and so far it’s been going pretty well! He woke up with a dry diaper this morning and I thought maybe it was a sign. He used the toilet right away, loves sitting on it actually, and has been keeping his undies dry when

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Playing with fabric

I was so excited to receive my first order through my very own shop here on this site last week!! I had tested and tested and tested everything before launching the shop feature, but there was always still that off chance that something wouldn’t work right… but it did and I’m so happy!! I’ve been

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Taste of Summer

Summer vacation is nearly here for all of the littles in the house. Abby had her last day of preschool 2 weeks ago. I must admit that it was a little bittersweet. I’ve had at least one little in going to that school for the past four years… and now there will be a 2 year gap – and only one of the teachers that my kids had will be there when we return. While it will be odd not having anyone to bring to preschool, I’m really looking forward to spending more quality time alone with Michael!

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Age of Brass and Steam shawl in beige yarn

Age of Brass and Steam take two

A few months ago I knit myself an Age of Brass and Steam shawl for myself… only to finish it and realize that 1) it was smaller than I had wanted it to be and 2) it was also a lot stiffer than I had hoped. Since I loved the design, I knew that I would be knitting it up again… so I unravelled it all and prepped the yarn for reknitting.

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New Feature

Building and maintaining a website takes quite a bit of work… work that’s not always noticeable just by visiting the site. I’ve been working behind the scenes quite a bit over the past few months… changing the theme and layout, adding the shop and then slowly filling it with products. Most recently I did this…

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Abigail’s Retro Circle Blanket

About three years ago I started a crochet project that I had hoped would be finished quickly, but knew would take a while to complete. It was springtime and I figured that I could have it finished by December – as a Christmas gift for Abby. Christmas came and went…. twice, before it was finally completed! Abby finally got her blanket for her 5th birthday this year.

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Avoiding the creative void

It was just after 7am yesterday morning, and wonders upon wonders, all three children were still sleeping… most of them were even in their own beds! My husband had already left for work and I was using the quiet time to drink my green smoothie and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

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