
15 Days

I’m the biggest nerd (both self proclaimed and so called by hubs and my family). I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a little package in the mail.  A pre-ordered package that was gifted to me at Christmas. One that will arrive in 15 days. You see on Feb 16th, 2008 the package I will […]

15 Days Read More »

I’ve been Tagged part 2

I‘ve been tagged by Vickie again!! This time I’m to go to my 6th photo file and find the 6th picture. I had this picture in my sidebar for a while, so some of you may have seen it already. I was surprised to see that it was the 6th picture. The background story: It

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Playing catch up

Once again I am trying to play catch up. I haven’t been able to spend much time on the computer these past few days, and when I was able to, I was looking up online schools and degrees. While I am at home taking care of Noah, I plan on going back to school to

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I’ve been tagged

Vickie over at Vickie’s Scrapbooking and Tidbits tagged me with this meme and though I pass these things up when I get them as emails, I thought why not fill it out here and let you get to know me better. So here goes: 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No, my name is a

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Another first

Alright, this post is not about any thing fancy. For that matter it was pretty nasty. Noah had another first today, and considering his age it wasn’t too bad (would have been worse had he been older). You see, the first I’m referring to is… his first throw up. It was not spit up, it

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I had a date…

Before you go jumping to conclusions, it was with my husband and not anyone else. You see, before Noah was born, I was working Sundays through Thursdays, so Ray and I would meet for lunch on Fridays. It would be our time together. Sure we would still go out to eat at other times too,

I had a date… Read More »

And the Award goes to…

I am soooooo bad. Vickie has honored me with two more awards (one of which I’ve had since before Christmas!!) and my lazy ass I am just now getting around to passing on the love. The first award is the one to your right. The rules for this one are to list 5 addictions and

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This is not only a “YAY!! I’m back in out of the cold!!” but also a “YAY!! I wasn’t charged a missed appointment fee!!” Maybe they thought that what with me having given birth 5 months ago and them getting all that money from me for that, they would graciously waive the “I’m an idiot

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Did it again

So those of you following this blog may remember back in December how I goofed on Munchers Dr’s appointment. For those of you who don’t know – quick catch up – I thought it was the day before it actually was. So I had gotten everyone (meaning the 2 of us)ready to go and then

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Spam Comments

I hate SPAM!!! and no I’m not talking about the stuff that comes in a can. I have now gotten spam comments two days in a row here at the Musings. I hate Spam – detest it. Especially when it is filled with hyperlinks and written where it makes no sense at all. Just words

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